Sunday, November 8, 2015

Rising from the Ashes.

Hi guys... So, I'm pretty much rising from the ashes like a phoenix again.  As usual, my instagram (@mommyslittleharpy) has remained active during my absence.  I sort of dropped off the earth last January and I feel like I owe a bit of an explanation.  And I don't have a great one.

The short version?

College is hard.

I was completing my senior year of college and was just really busy.  There was so much stress about graduation and classes that I just didn't have the time... not to mention the encroaching worries of "What the hell am I doing with my life?"  I also moved about 3-4 times within 10 months so it was hard to get settled anywhere and have any kind of studio space.  My last six months in NYC were spent in a shady (but clean) extended stay motel on the Upper West Side, in a tiny studio apartment... That I actually loved and missed.  That was the one place that REALLY felt like home.

This was my view every morning.  As much as NYC was killing me and I needed to leave... I do miss it terribly.  My last six months were simply liberating.

This was the night I moved in (My Birthday).  It was small, but I really did feel like the space was MINE.

About a month before leaving New York, I suffered from a very tough bout of depression that took an awful toll on me.  That was when I added a new member to my family to help me feel less alone.  I bought a Hamster, Hawke, and he has been my little, fuzzy rock through all of this.

Hawke 11/6/1025 enjoying some Indian corn.

So, yeah.  Basically, I had way too much going on in a very short stretch of time and some things just had to fall by the wayside for my own health and well-being.  I truly loved and love blogging, but it was just too much for me to keep up with.  It has been a weird ride.  In mid-June, I moved to Maryland, into my family's new home (before anyone else was even living there) and everyone else arrived sometime in July/August.  As I said, it has been strange.  It has been a whirlwind of renovations and making this formerly vacant (for 2 years) house a home.  It has also been an act of soul searching and mending the erosion that city life had left on my mind.  While I was still in New York, it was suffocating me; I couldn't keep up-- it was too much, too fast, all the time.

But moving to the middle of nowhere, Eastern Shore Maryland has been eye opening.  It has been both a liberation and an imprisonment.  I realize how much I relied on New York to cure my ails; I spent most nights just walking for hundreds of blocks for hours... now I can't go anywhere without driving.  That has also been an interesting point in my life.  Four years in one of the most urban cities in the country?  I hadn't planned to leave (early on) and so I never went farther than getting my Learner's Permit... which then expired... and I had to get it again... and now I am taking my actual Road Test in a couple of days.

Living by the beach has been an experience in re-attuning myself with our mother goddess.  I am the first to admit that my soul was wounded, but I have begun the path to healing and happiness by simply acknowledging the love I need to have for myself and the importance of immersing myself in nature.  I have spent too long without being able to put my bare feet in the grass.

I am now preparing for yet another move, although this is supposed to be the final one for at least a year.  I am beginning my adult life; Will and I are finally moving in together.  This has been a beautiful ordeal in itself with doubts and stress and so many tears.  I have begun and ceased treatment for my depression-- I refuse to feel nothing as a bandaid to feeling too deeply-- and I am slowly finding what I need to find to become the woman my mind has been keeping me from being.  These past months have been about self-love and self-care.  I have needed them and I hope you can forgive my erratic behavior in keeping this blog alive.  I promise to do better.

Will and I are still very happy together.  This time returning to a long distance relationship has not harmed us, although it has been stressful at times.  I am excited to be beginning a new chapter with him as my partner.

I realized how much I missed blogging on Halloween.  It only took me 45 minutes to do my makeup... because I wasn't tirelessly photographing each step or filming a video in our friend's tiny studio apartment.  We had gone back to New York to celebrate and it was a wonderful time.  But I missed having an outlet to share my experience and the joy I felt while using makeup.  I sifted through endless Good Will racks to find the tacky purple shirt and a suitable overcoat.  My mom supplied a conveniently perfect green vest.  The coat had been grey and I made it purple with about 4 cans of spray paint.  It was stiff as a board!  But it was a hit!

I was The Joker.  I decided that I would refuse to be inhibited by all of my favorite characters being male.  He may be overdone, but I took elements from each of my favorite versions and made the costume my own.

The problem of the evening was that, when I wore the coat, people were having trouble figuring out if I was male or female.  And honestly, that was the point.  It has also been interesting examining my gender identity.  I am undoubtedly female and feminine, but it still never quite fit.  FemAndro is the word that I have found to fit me best.  I have always been fairly androgynous.  Dressed like this (as my favorite character of all time!) felt very right to me.  I felt comfortable with people questioning and I felt comfortable with them not knowing.

I joked at the bar to another patron, "Believe it or not, I'm used to being a pretty woman and being able to get the bartender's attention!"

He stared at me for a moment and laughed before replying, "I honestly didn't know you were a woman until you spoke."

My first ever latex/wax success also left some stingy red marks that I whined about for most of the next day!

It was a good night... It was also my first night using latex and wax to fabricate anything.  I wish I could have shared my experience and my steps, my troubles, and success.  And I think some people would have laughed as I pulled my fake skin off of my face (that was about 60% covered), crying like a baby, and revealed angry red marks in its wake!

But... I digress... Halloween was the catalyst.  Here I am now, baring my soul to anyone who cares to read.

Beauty is and always has been much more to me than just pretty things making me look pretty.  I frankly don't give a fuck if I look pretty.  You shouldn't either.  You don't owe anyone prettiness.  You owe yourself authenticity.  And this is authentically me.  I am a beauty enthusiast and I use it as an outlet to void my frustrations and bring happiness into my life.

But anyway, please do excuse my tangent, I am moving again.  I'll be getting a new place (with Will), a new temp agency is placing me with a new job, and I will be in a "new" town.  There will be a lot of new.  And in creating this new routine, I intend to make this blog a priority (obviously after my money making job and paying bills).  So, in short, I'm back!

I will make another post with details on a schedule for my posts.  I am also considering beginning a youtube channel.  I would like to move away from reviews (although I will still do them) and focus more on tutorials and beauty for the everyday person.  PLEASE remember that if you want anything from me or would like me to do/see/think about something... just leave me some sort of feedback.

Will is a big fan of the youtube channel "This Exists" and he is intending to begin a channel of his own that is sort of like a "This Exists: History Edition."  Obviously, name pending, haha!  So we will be purchasing a nice camera and creating a studio space.  This will give me higher quality photos, videos, and an ability to have a consistent work space.

It has been a long and weird 9-10 months and I'm sorry for the radio silence,.. but I hope I have retained some readers and I hope to enjoy having new ones.  Thank you!

Never ending hugs and love from your Average Jane Beauty Guru.  I desperately hope that you decide to give me a second chance.  Things are looking UP and are about to be so much more fluid.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Royal Status: Let's Talk the Lorac Royals Collection!

 So... These babies came home with me.  Or rather... My Dad took me to Ulta on Black Friday and told me to go gather the things that I wanted.  Merry Christmas.  Sir... I will take that deal!  But anyway... a while ago, I bought the Lorac Mint Edition palette, and despite loving the gloss and highlighter/blush that was included with the purchase, I found that their eye shadows sadly fell short.  But alas, I saw so many good feelings about Pro and Pro 2 and MegaPro... so I figured I should give them another try, and these just looked so snazzy that I simply had to have them.  I found myself pleasantly surprised because... OMG the colors were so creamy and buttery and wonderful!  My only complaints about the set was that 1) the colors did not come with individual names and 2) it felt like there wasn't a massive amount of differentiation between the colors in each quad.  But never the less... here are some swatches.

Queen is a red scheme with two light shades, a rust brown shade, and a warm black.

Countess was my favorite because it came with a highlight pink, a bronze, a brown, and although the final shade looks black, it is actually a blue green.

Princess though... Princess was something special.  I have a soft spot in my heart for gold tones and this was just glorious.  Of course, it had the pastel highlighter shade that I love, but the gold and bronze were so shimmery and buttery that they basically melted onto my skin.  Rather than a black, this one had a coffee brown.

And then there was Duchess... and trust me, it is taking everything I have not to include an Archer meme in here because how often do you really get set up for that?  This one was a blue scheme with a shimmery white, an ice blue that was rather reminiscent of the movie Frozen's color scheme, a gunmetal blue, and then a matte navy shade that looks far darker than it comes out, but when it is applied it is the gorgeous royal blue that looks more like velvet than Navy Dress Blues.

So what?

Together, these quads were delicious and super fun to play with.  They bring a pre-set color scheme, each of which is great for a plethora of different looks and they can be mixed and matched so easily.  None of the colors are overpowering or too bright.  And I am just overall pretty pumped to have them.

Also... the palettes themselves are fuzzy.  I don't know if velveteen factor is a selling point for anyone... but they ARE in fact fuzzy.  And I like that.  All in all these were a must have for a great price that can go from subtle to Va-Va-Voom! in just a matter of minutes.  Five stars!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Disappointing at Night (Natural at Night Palette Review)

So Black Friday sales are my weakness and I broke down and bought Too Faced's Natural at Night Palette-- it was only $15, how could I not?  Well, I am glad I didn't pay full price and there was a large reason why that palette was on sale.  I have since given it away to my Aunt who liked the colors-- I hope she has better luck with it.

Most of the shadows had a hell of a problem with fall out and they had low color pay off.  At a glance the shimmery bronzey colors were glorious and I could not believe the deal I was getting.  So, let me show y'all some swatches and photos of the palette before I say anything else.

I can't say Too Faced doesn't package things beautifully

They sent 2 free samples with the order-- I loved the gloss, but the beauty balm comes in "Nude Glow" which appears to be their darkest shade and was by far too dark for me.

Gloss is in "Sex Pot" and the balm is in "Nude Glow."

See it?  See it? It's glorious, isn't it???  No... It's not glorious as you may think.  :(  Below are the included "look" cards that Too Faced always provides.

Full Moon-- classic gold shimmer
Nightcap-- more of a bronze gold shimmer
Cocoa Flair-- matte chocolate pudding color
Night Light-- blush champagne shimmer (one of the worst for fall out)
After Hours-- cool taupe shimmer that comes out as a much warmer taupe bronze
Eclipse-- warm pink bronze that comes out as more of a warm brown.
Spotlight-- matte cream shade
Moon Stone-- greenish gold shimmer (kind of a mashed peas baby poop color with shimmers)
Night Fever-- matte black with gold glitter

I guess my biggest problem with the palette is that the colors in the pans are not very true to their presented color.  I felt like I was getting one color on my brush and a totally different color on my lids.  All in all, I am really glad that I didn't pay full price for this palette because I was very disappointed with it.  Most of the shades are nice and buttery, but the colors really just didn't work with my skin. 

I would not recommend this personally, but my aunt that I gave it to has more yellow tones in her skin than I do so the colors are much nicer on her.  For those of us with pink tones, this one is one to skip over.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday Travel Must Haves

So... the holidays here here yet again and I usually do a "What You Need in Your Purse" type of thing around this time of year.  We have Christmas and New Years coming and this is a hectic travel time for so many people, not to mention all nighter finals cram sessions in the library... And let's face it... sometimes that spare lip gloss in the bottom of your backpack isn't enough.  So here, I am going to walk you through a quick and easy couple of things that can fit inside a small makeup bag, no bigger than your standard ipsy bag.

So here we are.  And don't worry.  Everything is tried and true.  Out of all of my products, these are what I never fail to keep in my purse at all times, updated for the Winter months.

Angled Brush-- okay, so this one is easy; it will help you touch up your brows and your liner.  You also won't be trapped into having no tools to touch up or nothing but those sad little spongey shadow applicators.
Shadow Brush-- If you don't have the color you are wearing on your eyes in your mini palette, having a blending brush can help redistribute the pigment you are already wearing.  It also will give you more versatility with shadow on the go.
Angled Sponges-- Sponges will help you blend day old face makeup back up to par (or at least fake it enough to get by) and they are better than fingers for concealer.
Highlighter Eyeshadow Pencil-- I always have a cream colored shadow pencil on hand to highlight tired eyes or spruce up and highlight brows.  This one is Elizabeth Mott's Smooth Shadow Creamy Eye Pencil in "Pearl."
Perfume sample vial-- Pick a clean, gentle scent so you don't choke everyone around you.  It will help you not smell like stale train air too.  this is Theirry Muglar's "Angel."
Concealer sample-- Having a concealer in your shade on hand will help you out with dark circles or makeup wearing off throughout the day and your travels.  This is a Lancome sample, but I also like Benefit's "Fake Up."

Sheer Lip Balm-- Nothing is worse than dry, cracked lips.  And chapstick can leave a lot to be desired, so I always keep a potted lip balm laying around.  This is Michelle Phan's tinted lip balm in "Sorbet."  I also LOVE EOS lip balms and NYX makes a good butter lip balm as well.
Miniature Shadow Palette-- Now, what I use here is a magnetic palette so that I can drop in some single shadows that are tailored to the event, season, whatever.  The shadows here are just popped out of an Ulta box, but any old single shadows will do.  I like these colors because they're wintery and cool for the season.  There is also room to toss in a sponge applicator as well.  I grabbed a 99 cent pack at the drug store and cut it down so it would fit easily.
Cream Blush & Lip Tint-- This pigment is called "Pie" from How About Them Apples? by Benefit.  It's a really gentle warm reddish pink that adds some life to your face and a little goes a long way.  It's a sample size from a Birchbox and it comes in handy A LOT.  If you don't have this one though, Revlon makes chubby sticks that do the same job and Almay makes a smart shade cream blush in a tube.
BB Creme-- Marcelle's BB Cream in "Golden Glow" is absolutely lovely to even out skintone and make you look alive again.  It looks like an olive color in the tube, but when you apply it, it even matches my very fair skin.  A BB cream is a great weapon to have in your arsenal because it looks natural and blurs imperfections without making you look like you caked on touch ups on the train.
Lipstick-- Chances are, you have a full sized lipstick and gloss already floating in your purse, right?  Maybe a few.  Make this one the opposite of what you usually carry so you can have some variation in color choices.  I keep a deep merlot color, almost purple, because it matches my winter shadows.  In the summer I keep a shimmery peach butter shade.  Another good wine color is Hikari's "Cabernet."  The shade depicted though is Lancome's "Pretty Burgundy."

Cough Drops-- Nothing is worse than an itchy throat on a crowded train/plane/bus.
Spare Contacts-- Perhaps the only thing worse is a torn contact lens.  God forbid you damage a contact or lose it and are left with nothing but your chintzy glasses that you have had (and haven't bothered to update) since you were 16.  It's embarrassing.
Shout Wipes-- Have you ever spilled dressing or coke (or wine) on yourself while you're on the go?  Because it sucks.  A Shout wipe or a Tide pen can completely remove the stain, or at least lessen it a bit.
Felt Tipped Liner-- A felt tipped liner is easier to use than liquid liner and it is less equipment to carry than gel liner and a brush.  Also, if you have to take all of your eye makeup off for whatever reason, a quick winger liner is very easy with one of these bad boys.  This is just a black one from Jesse's Girl Cosmetics.
Eyebrow Pencil/Brow Gel-- A dual brow gel and brow pencil will save you space and time.  This one is Revlon in a taupe shade.  Eyebrows need touch ups and this will give you a natural yet polished look until you can get to your full sized makeup bag and fix yourself up properly.
Mascara-- Because who doesn't need a mini mascara on their long ride?  This is just a black Clinique deluxe sample; I also love Too Faced's Better Than Sex mascara and UD's Perversion.

Also, although they aren't in the pictures, you should probably keep some pads or a tampon handy just in case you start your flow.

If I am prancing off on a longer trip, I keep some other extras involved as well.

Other Good Things to Have:
-Blotting Papers
-Travel sized container of tylenol/ibuprophen/naproxen
-Travel sized hair spray
-Travel sized dry shampoo
-Makeup remover wipes
-Mini Manicure Kit
-Ear Plugs

Monday, December 15, 2014

PSA: How to Report Sexual Assault/Abuse/Rape on a College Campus AND GET RESULTS

Okay, okay, I know I am a beauty blog, but I am also a college educated woman.  It's the holidays, there are parties and drunk shenanigans.  Winter break is coming and so is the Spring semester where Spring Break and nonsense will be happening... and I see so fucking much going around this time of year about uninvestigated sexual crimes on college campuses.  So I feel the need to put this out there because there are a few things that the average co-ed doesn't always know.

First and foremost... every college has an index number of sorts.  These index numbers refer to the frequency of certain crimes on the given campus.  So these crime rate numbers would give an accurate representation of the safety of a given campus, right?  Wrong!  These numbers only refer to REPORTED crimes-- that is, crimes reported by the school to the police.  Because the number only refers to reported incidents... schools find it an incentive to not report crimes.

This leads to a number of problems.  Most prevalent, victims being re-victimized and blamed for their ordeal, or even being punished.  Keeping the victims quiet is easier and less detrimental to the reputation of the school than to actually punish the offenders.

So how do you actually get results when reporting a sexual assault on a college campus?

FIRST!  NEVER GO TO THE SCHOOL FIRST!  You have found yourself or a friend the survivor of a sexual assault or rape... what do you do now?  Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to go to the school first and you shouldn't!  The first thing you do is go to the hospital to get a rape kit done (if applicable).  It doesn't matter if you are drunk, on drugs, anything-- the hospital is not going to jam you up for your Saturday night activities.  You go in and request a rape kit-- you will receive compassionate care.  Now, you can call the police and request they meet you at the hospital, you can call them first to take you to the hospital, or you can have the hospital call them for you.  But the hospital is the first step.

Next comes the police report.  Your school will try to make you believe that the first step is to report to the school, but that is a big load of shit.  When you go to the school officers, chances are the line of questioning will feel much more like interrogation.
Where did it happen?  What were you doing?  You were at a party?  You know parties are against regulations?  Was there drinking/drugs?  You didn't report those things?  Were you drinking/on drugs?  You know that's against policy, right?  Are you sure it was rape?
It's honestly fucking horrifying.  The school will try to jam you up on something stupid, like drinking some beers at a party, so that you don't push forward with filing a complaint.  How do you circumvent that?  You go immediately to the police.  When you go to the police and file a report, their investigation of the crime FORCES the school to also conduct an investigation and provide information to the police.  Having the police investigating also puts someone with power on your side-- the school will not be able to bully you or make you talk to them without an advocate present.

Once the police report is under way and you are moving forward with pressing charges then you go to the school and report it there as well.  You can provide them with some details of the police report and make them aware that you are also pressing charges within the school justice system.  If they refuse to file a report because you already filed a police report... tell them you will be back with a lawyer.  They are required to file a report and begin an investigation. 

The school does not want to carry out any form of investigation because this will reflect poorly on their index number.  By going to the police and pressing charges, you are forcing their hand.

Document everything,  I can not tell you how many times I have gotten out of trouble or gotten results because of having well documented evidence.  Record all of your conversations-- the laws on this are as follows:

1) You can not put a voice recorder, camera, etc in some random room, walk away and come back later to retrieve it and see what was said.
2) You CAN record any conversation in which you are a willing participant.

Record all of your conversations with police and school officials, in person and on the phone.  You are not required to inform them that you are recording.  Document, document, document.  And know your rights.  Demand copies of all reports.

Going about reporting the crime in this manner will assure you that an investigation will be carried out.

Obsessed with Sugar & Spice

If any of you, my lovely readers, are collegiates, y'all know that finals are in full swing.  This is honestly the first minute I have had to sit down and pay some attention to The Skinny.  But fret not! I'm here, I'm queer, and y'all are used to it!  But, I'm back and I should remain back.

So, on Black Friday, I bought the Sugar & Spice palette at Ulta because I missed the Lorac Vintage Vixen and Sultry Starlet sale-- I should have bought online like everyone else!!! But anyway, I picked up the last Sugar & Spice and have never been happier.

So, it's a larger palette with 12 shadows in it-- each are about half the size of a typical Too Faced Highlighter shadow.  It came in this glittery gold makeup bag and a deluxe Better Than Sex mascara sample.  

 So, as usual... let's look at some swatches.  Each cluster of swatches goes across the rows-- top to bottom.  The colors are called Coconut Cream, Nutmeg, Biscotti, Sugared Violet, Champagne Truffle, Pink Frosting, Cinnamon Sugar, Chocolate Cake, Meringue, Clove, Bon Bon, and Black Licorice.

Coconut Cream-- a warm cream color with a matte finish.
Nutmeg-- a warm rose gold with a warm shimmer finish.
Biscotti-- a warm chocolate pudding color with a shimmer finish.
Sugared Violet-- a very deep (almost black) purple with pink and silver glitter.  This has a bit of a fallout problem, but not nearly as much as Candied Violet from the Chocolate Bar palette.

Champagne Truffle-- a warm cream color with a hint of pink and a shimmer finish.  However, this is slightly different than the shadow of the same name in the Chocolate Bar palette because it lacks the opalescent pink sheen.
Pink Frosting-- a light baby pink color with cool undertones and a shimmer finish.
Cinnamon Sugar-- a cool brown with cool bronze undertones and a gold shimmer finish.
Chocolate Cake-- a warm pudding brown with a matte finish.

Meringue-- a gentle pinkish cream color with a matte finish.  It is essentially the same as Champagne Truffle, but matte instead of shimmer.
Clove-- a cool purplish taupe with a matte finish.
Bon Bon-- a cool purplish slate grey with a silver shimmer finish.
Black Licorice-- a flat black with forest green undertones and a matte finish

And then we have the obligatory step by step looks that Too Faced always so kindly supplies.  

Now, my favorite shades out of the whole palette are Nutmeg, Pink Frosting, and Champagne Truffle.  This palette is super versatile-- you can do very gentle, natural looks or dramatic smoky eyes, and everything in between.  Most of the shades are very buttery and Sugared Violet is really the only one that has any type of fallout problem with it.  All of the shades are very buildable and look awesome applied dry or wet!

However, this is a holiday palette, so you pretty much have to get it or it's gone.  If you have a chance to get your hands on one of these, I would certainly jump to do so because after the holiday... they aren't coming back until the new holiday palette releases next year.

Follow my instagram for more @mommyslittleharpy
This is one of my favorite looks that you can do with the palette.  Champagne Truffle from lash line to brow bone, Nutmeg on the lid, Biscotti in the crease, and then Cinnamon Sugar to define the crease, and Pink Frosting to highlight the corners of the eyes.  The lipstick shade is Hikari's "Cabernet."

Monday, December 8, 2014

Absence and Ulta Scandal

Okay, beauties, hello!  First, I would like to sincerely apologize for my lack of activity lately.  With the holidays and finals coming up, I have been really inundated with school and travel, but fret not, I have the Sugar and Spice palette to talk about tonight or tomorrow as well as some new Drugstore Sweeties.  Please stick with me through Finals Week and my eventual transition back to work at NMS for my winter break.  I still love all of you!

Now for the second part of my title.  The ULTA scandal.  I am SO MAD at them.  So, many of you may know that last year they had a huge backup for Black Friday and it took ages for them to get orders out to customers.  Well, tis the season because they are right back at it, sucking away.  I placed an order on December 1st, Cyber Monday, and let it go because usually Ulta is super good at shipping things out quickly.  Well... Friday rolled around and I received no shipping notification.  BUT they did send me an email stating that there was some backlog and that I would receive shipping information by the end of the weekend.  When I didn't have it by noon on Saturday, I shot CS an email.  No reply.  So I posted on their FB... and then they told me to email CS.  So I did, AGAIN, and then I got a response that was clearly a blanket email that provided no answers.

So I go back to FB today-- Monday-- to complain AGAIN.  WHERE IS MY SHIPPING!?  Nada.  They finally respond and tell me to email CS.  Again.  I informed them that I already had and called them out on lying about shipping.  So I sent another CS email.  I received notification that they had commented on my post and it was FB CS telling me that Guest Services CS had replied... check my email?  They basically said, "Sorry, we're trying to get it out ASAP, bye."  Again, no information.  All I asked was if they could give me the status of my order which I provided the number to.  Then there was a 2nd email.  Ulta attempted to buy my silence with a 20$ gift card.

I will take your hush money, Ulta.  So I used it to place another order with the idea that I would see which one ships first.  Let the race begin.

Now, Ulta keeps assuring people that deliveries will be made within the 10 business day window.  Now... 10 days would be Thursday.  10 BUSINESS days would be Friday.  So basically... I am giving them until Friday to give me my stuff before I complain again.

Although... It looks like I will not be receiving even SHIPPING information by the end of the week.

If Ulta has fucked you over, please go to their FACEBOOK to complain because they will actually respond to you.

I understand that BF causes backups, but this is absolutely absurd.

I hate Sephora and I'm miffed at Ulta... What other good beauty supply stores are there?

So, this has simply been an ordeal.  It took a 3 page long tangential email that covered everything from it being destiny for me and the customer care rep to be together and Finn Wittrock's fine ass to finally get my shipping information.

I was told that I would have my order by Dec 15 ("within the 10 business day window) and here we are... with no sign of my order.  The post office has it arriving tomorrow.  We will see...

My Too Faced order from Dec 3 came on Saturday (Dec 13).  So I am entirely done to death with Ulta.