Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Royal Status: Let's Talk the Lorac Royals Collection!

 So... These babies came home with me.  Or rather... My Dad took me to Ulta on Black Friday and told me to go gather the things that I wanted.  Merry Christmas.  Sir... I will take that deal!  But anyway... a while ago, I bought the Lorac Mint Edition palette, and despite loving the gloss and highlighter/blush that was included with the purchase, I found that their eye shadows sadly fell short.  But alas, I saw so many good feelings about Pro and Pro 2 and MegaPro... so I figured I should give them another try, and these just looked so snazzy that I simply had to have them.  I found myself pleasantly surprised because... OMG the colors were so creamy and buttery and wonderful!  My only complaints about the set was that 1) the colors did not come with individual names and 2) it felt like there wasn't a massive amount of differentiation between the colors in each quad.  But never the less... here are some swatches.

Queen is a red scheme with two light shades, a rust brown shade, and a warm black.

Countess was my favorite because it came with a highlight pink, a bronze, a brown, and although the final shade looks black, it is actually a blue green.

Princess though... Princess was something special.  I have a soft spot in my heart for gold tones and this was just glorious.  Of course, it had the pastel highlighter shade that I love, but the gold and bronze were so shimmery and buttery that they basically melted onto my skin.  Rather than a black, this one had a coffee brown.

And then there was Duchess... and trust me, it is taking everything I have not to include an Archer meme in here because how often do you really get set up for that?  This one was a blue scheme with a shimmery white, an ice blue that was rather reminiscent of the movie Frozen's color scheme, a gunmetal blue, and then a matte navy shade that looks far darker than it comes out, but when it is applied it is the gorgeous royal blue that looks more like velvet than Navy Dress Blues.

So what?

Together, these quads were delicious and super fun to play with.  They bring a pre-set color scheme, each of which is great for a plethora of different looks and they can be mixed and matched so easily.  None of the colors are overpowering or too bright.  And I am just overall pretty pumped to have them.

Also... the palettes themselves are fuzzy.  I don't know if velveteen factor is a selling point for anyone... but they ARE in fact fuzzy.  And I like that.  All in all these were a must have for a great price that can go from subtle to Va-Va-Voom! in just a matter of minutes.  Five stars!

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