Friday, November 7, 2014

The Truist Review Ever! Let's talk skincare.

Okay, again, sorry for my slow posting.  Starting this Wednesday, I am planning to start getting a review out every Wednesday and Sunday, maybe adding more through the week as I can.  I know lately I have only been doing about 1 every 7 days.  And please give me any feedback that you may have so I can make reading my posts any more bearable for you!

Final question before I get started... youtube tutorials?  Yay or nay?  

But onward.  I talk constantly about makeup and usually forget about skincare on the blogging front, unless it's something that I was given to expressly review.  This is a huge shortcoming of mine because skincare is pretty much the very first step of beauty.  With weather getting colder, skin will be getting drier and thirstier!

So when I was given a new regimen to try from Truist... I was pumped (even more so when three full sized products and 2 pairs of moisturizing socks arrived)!  And... appropriately squeamish because my skin is so picky and sensitive.  I was not disappointed in the results that I received from the 3 part regimen. 

Truist is the newest brand from Kimberly-Clark, makers of KLEENEX, HUGGIES, SCOTT, POISE, DEPEND, and KOTEX.

I have been using the Truist intensive overnight moisturizing lotion, moisturizing & strengthening serum (for the morning), and their sunscreen moisturizer.  Why am I using sunscreen in November in constantly overcast and raining NYC?  Well, aside from the fact that I am a redhead and even burn in the winter... you really should be wearing sunscreen every day, no exceptions.  Remember Baz, Lurman, people-- 

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99 
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be 
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by 
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable 
than my own meandering 

There is literally no excuse to not wear sun protection.  Now, usually I get pouty when I get skincare products in goodie bags or subscription boxes, but there is a rare occasion that I get something incredible... or I get sunscreen.  And I can not find any logic in complaining about having travel sized bottles of sun screen to toss in my purse.

So, you put the overnight lotion on after cleansing your face before bed, and then after washing it in the morning, you put on the serum and then the sunscreen.  From that point, I apply my makeup regularly.  Awesome.  I was terrified that I would break out all over the place, but lo and behold, I am still clear as a Voss water bottle.

Usually I find face moisturizers-- that aren't simply virgin coconut oil-- to be heavy and greasy feeling and I can't sleep when I feel slimy.  These lotions were super light, refreshing, and gentle, AND they did not leave any uncomfortable residue on my face, nor interfere with my makeup application.  It was like my face slurped up every last bit of the stuff.  Sunscreen is usually the biggest offender of being greasy and disgusting.  If you cheap out on that stuff, you will almost always get this yucky film on your skin that will without a doubt make you break out like you have been making sweet tender love to a pan full of bacon.  This sunscreen is ridiculously lightweight and you can't even feel it once it is applied to your face and neck!

So why is Truist a good choice, other than just being pleasant and nice?  Well, they're actually aimed demographically at women over 50 and their mission statement is that aging is not a disease that needs to be cured or corrected, it's a natural part of beauty.  Personally, I love a company that is able to devote itself to enhancing what a woman already has and take care of maintaining that natural beauty, rather than trying to halt it.  Now, my daily look may be FAR from "natural," but I actually have quite a happy relationship with my beginnings of crows feet and smile lines.  I think a woman that has some character to her face is very attractive.  So basically, their mission statement aligns with mine and their products are just so posh and enjoyable!

You can check out their ingredients on the ingredients page of their website (  The products are plant based and very gentle, focusing on nourishing and pampering your skin, leaving it silky soft and hydrated.

So how are they price wise?  A little horrifying.  Their products run around $30-50 each off of the website, BUT you get about a 4 oz bottle of product and a little goes a very long way, so I would certainly say that it is worth it.

The website is very user friendly ( and they even have an option where you can phone in an order.  I didn't call the 800 number, but it seems you are able to speak to a person to place your order which means you could ask questions about the products.  Otherwise, their online e-mail customer service is lovely as well.

Truist is definitely a brand that is worth what they charge you if you plan to use them as your routine skincare regimen.  I would not, however, say that they are a good price as an impulse buy just because you want to shop.  The products are wonderful, just a little expensive.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I know this is random, but it have these stubborn huge pimples on my face I need to get rid of by sat! They just won't go away, and I don't want to have giant mountains on my face in my birthday photos! Any recommendations? Thanks :)
