Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Drugstore Sweethearts: The only red lipstick you will ever need!

I stand by it, every woman needs her perfect red lipstick.  But where do we look?  There are a gazillion different red lipsticks out there in a million different shades and ugh.  Now... obviously there is a draw to that sleek high end lipstick that costs you the soul of your first born child, but stop.

You see, we all know that red lipstick is very tricky.  If the foundation is too creamy, it will feather around your lips, if it is too matte it goes on like dry paste... We need a healthy medium, right?  Well, where do we find that?

I have found that in the drugstore, after my red Estee Lauder lipstick feathered all over my face and made me look like I was having a Brittany Spears breakdown.

This is Rimmel London's lipstick 180-- Jet Set Red.  And, side bar, I know the reflection in the tube looks not so PG, but it is actually a pink dress hanging on my door with the light hitting it.

Ladies, you are looking into the face of the one true god.  This lipstick is super inexpensive and it does one hell of a job.  The formula is a very pure red with blue undertones.  It is the perfect amount of creamy with a glossy finish.  I have a hell of a time finding a pure red, but this one does the trick.  I should probably be ashamed to say that I have gone through five tubes of this stuff.  It looks best with lip liner, but can still be worn without it and it will not feather.  It doesn't stain, but it has incredible staying power.

My only gripe would be that it is not kiss proof, but I suppose that is the trade off for having a glossy finish since kiss proofs tend to be matte and thick or dry.

I have very fair skin with pink undertones and it works beautifully with it.  Not to mention, the rimmel lipsticks have awesome buildable color.  It is easy to put on a tiny bit for a sheer stain, or layer it on for a real opaque Marilyn red.

So ladies... go out to the drugstore, shell out a ten dollar bill... and get yourself number 180 (Jet Set Red) and a couple of candy bars!

1 comment:

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